Inglise keeles Saksa keeles Eesti keeles
Accumulator Locomotive
Battery Locomotive
Akkumulator Lokomotive
Articulated Locomotive Gelenklokomotive Liigendvedur
Assistant Locomotive, Pusher Locomotive,
Helpler, Booster Locomotive
Barking Loco,otive
Schiebelokomotive Tõukevedur
Battery Locomotive
Accumulator Locomotive
Akkumulator Lokomotive
Battery-Driver Light Rail Tractor Speicher Kleinlokomotive
Batterie Kleinlokomotive
Akutoitega väikevedur
Booster Locomotive, Barking Locomotive
Assistant Locomotive, Pusher Locomotive,
Schiebelokomotive Tõukevedur
Climax Locomotive Climax-Dampflokomotive Climax-tüüpi auruvedur
Coal Tender Kohlentender Söekütte tender
Cwitcher, Shunting Locomotive
Switching Locomotive, Shunter
Rangierlok Manöövervedur
Diesel Hydraulic Locomotive Dieselhydrailische Lokomotive Diiselhüdrauliline vedur
Diesel Locomotive Diesellok Diiselvedur
Diesel Mechanical Locomotive Dieselmechanische Lokomotive Diiselmehaaniline vedur
Diesel Shunter Diesel-Rangierlokomotive
Diiselmootoriga manöövervedur
Dieselelectric Locomotive Dieselelektrische Lokomotive Diiselelektrivedur
Double Locomotive Zweifahrlokomotive, Doppel-lok Kahesektsiooniline vedur
Electric Locomotive E-Lok, Ellok, Elektrolok Elektrivedur
Electric Rack-Rail Locomotive Zahnrad-Ellok Hammasraudtee elektrivedur
Emergency Locomotive
Reserve Locomotive, Stand-by Locomotive
Bereitschaftslokomotive Reserv-vedur
Emergency Locomotive, Relief Engine Hilfslokomotive Abivedur
Express Locomotive Schnellzuglokomotive Kiirrongivedur
Express Steam Locomotive Schnellzug-Dampflok Kiirrongi auruvedur
Freight Locomotive, Goods Locomotive Güterzuglok Kaubavedur
Fuel Tender Öl-tender, Treibstoftender Õlikütte tender
Gang Car, Mainteance Personal Car
Track Motor Car, Powered Gang Motor
Gleiskraftwagen, Draisine
Lokomootor, dresiin
Gang Trailer, Gang Trolley, Gang Car
Trailer Gang Trolley
Gleisrotten Wagen
Mahatõstetav dresiin, teerullik
Garrat-Locomotive Garrat-Dampfokomotive Garrat-tüüpi auruvedur
Geared Steam Locomotive Getriebelokomotive Ülekandevõlliga auruvedurid
General Purpose Locomotive
Mixed Traffic Locomotive
Goods Locomotive, Freight Locomotive Güterzuglok Kaubavedur
Hand Car Handgetriebene Draisine Käsidresiin
Heavy Goods Train Tank Locomotive Schwere Tenderlokomotive Raskekaalulise rongi tendervedur
Helpler, Booster Locomotive
Assistant Locomotive, Pusher Locomotive,
Barking Locomotive
Schiebelokomotive Tõukevedur
Heisler Locomotive Heisler-Dampflokomotive Heisler-tüüpi auruvedur
High-Power Locomotive Hochleistunglokomotive Raskeveo auruvedur
High-Pressure Locomotive Hochdrucklokomotive Kõrgsurve auruvedur
Light Railway Steam Locomotive Feldbahnlok
Kitsarööpmelise tööstusraudtee
auruvedur, väliraudtee vedur
Light Weight Tank Locomotive Leichte Tenderlokomotive Kerge tankvedur
Locomotive Hauled Train, - Head Lamp Lokbespanntezug Mitmest vedurist rongipea
Lorry, Small-Size Car Kleinwagen Teekäru, mahatõstetav dresiin
Mainteance Personal Car, Track Motor Car,
Powered Gang Car, Gang Car,
Gleiskraftwagen, Draisine
Lokomootor, dresiin
Mallet Locomotive Mallet-dampflokomotive Mallet-tüüpi auruvedur
Mine Locomotive Grubenlokomotive Kaevandusvedur
Mixed Traffic Locomotive
General Purpose Locomotive
Mixed Trafiic Rack Locomotive
General Purpose Locomotive
Hammasraudtee kauba-reisi
Motor Tractor
Diesel Shunting, Small Diesel Shunter
Diesel-Kleinlok Väikevedur
Passenger Locomotive Reisezuglokomotive Reisivedur
Permanent-Way Dynamometer Car Oberbaumeßwagen Iseliikuv teemõõtevagun
Powered Gang Car, Track Motor Car
Gang Car, Mainteance Personal Car
Gleiskraftwagen, Draisine
Lokomootor, dresiin
Pusher Locomotive, Booster Locomotive
Assistant Locomotive,
Helpler, Barking Locomotive
Schiebelokomotive Tõukevedur
Rail Truck Schienen-LKW Raudteeauto
Relief Engine, Emergency Locomotive Hilfslokomotive Abivedur
Reserve Locomotive, Stand-by Locomotive
Emergency locomotive
Bereitschaftslokomotive Reserv-vedur
Shay Locomotive Shay-Dampflokomotive Shay-tüüpi auruvedur
Shunter, Shunting Locomotive
Switching Locomotive, Switcher
Rangierlok Manöövervedur
Small Diesel Shunter, Diesel Shunting
Motor Tractor
Diesel-Kleinlok Väikevedur
Small Diesel Shunter, Diesel Shunting
Motor Tractor
Diesel-Kleinlok Väikevedur
Small-Size Car, Lorry Kleinwagen Mahatõstetav dresiin, teekäru
Snowplow, Snow Plough Schneeflug Lumesahk
Stand-by Locomotive, reserve Locomotive
Emergency locomotive
Bereitschaftslokomotive Reserv-vedur
Steam Locomotive Dampflokomotive Auruvedur
Steam Loco with Tender
Tender Locomotive
Steam Locomotive with Separate Tender
Schleppetender dampflok
Dampflok mit Schleppetender
Tendriga vedur
Stream Lined Locomotive Stromlinienlok Voolujooneline auruvedur
Tank Locomotive Tenderlok, Tenderdampflok Tankvedur
Tender Locomotive
Steam Loco with Tender
Steam Locomotive with Separate Tender
Schleppetender dampflok
Dampflok mit Schleppetender
Tendriga vedur
Tender with Brakeman´s Cab Kabinentender Kabiiniga tender
Tender, Trailing Truck Schleppetender  Tender
Track Mainteance Machine Gleisunterhaltungsfahrzeug Ballastiplaneerija
Track Motor Car, Powered Gang Car,
Gang Car, Mainteance Personal Car
Gleiskraftwagen, Draisine
Dresiin, lokomootor
Track Tamping Unit Gleis-Stopfmachine Plasser Toppimismasin
Trailer Gang Trolley
Gang Trailer, Gang Trolley, Gang Car
Gleisrotten Wagen
Teerullik, mahatõstetav dresiin
Trailing Truck, Tender Schleppetender  Tender
Trolley, Truck Rollbock Teerullik, mahatõstetav dresiin
Tuby-Style Tender Wannentender Vann-tender
Two-Power Locomotive Zweikraftlokomotive Kaksikvedu
Very High-Speed Locomotive Schnellfahrlok Kiirekäiguline auruvedur